A New Legal Theme for 2025?
We’ve talked a lot recently about WHAT qualifies as a firearm (and thus protection under the Second Amendment) and WHERE we can keep and bear arms, but there’s a third category of cases: WHO can carry?
The latest of these cases comes out of Pennsylvania where a man has just recently won back his Second Amendment rights after 30 years. His crime? Food stamp fraud committed back in 1995. And since then he’s been unable to legally possess a firearm. Other cases like this, including U.S. v. Rahimi and U.S. v. Duarte, have made headlines in recent months.
What issues are at play in cases like these? How might they affect other cases, including the “what” and “where” cases? To help us with these questions, attorney Kostas Moros dropped in for a chat with CRPA TV host Kevin Small. You won’t want to miss this insightful interview. Watch now!
CRPA is on the front lines of this battle, just as we are in so many critical cases across the country. We want 2025 to be a HUGE year, but we need your help!
We’ve launched our “$25 for ’25” campaign to support our efforts this year. Please consider just a $25 contribution to help fill the war chest and help us deliver victory in 2025!