CRPA Mission Statement
1.Protect, defend, and promote the Constitution of the United States and the rights of individuals to keep and bear arms in public and in private; Protect, defend, and promote the rights of individuals to use firearms to defend themselves, defend family and others, and defend property;
2.Protect, defend, and promote the right to keep and bear arms for the common defense;
3.Protect, defend, promote, and encourage the right, ability, and opportunity to participate in recreational and competitive shooting sports;
4.Educate the general public about the social utility of civilian firearms possession and safe and responsible firearm ownership and use;
5.Protect, defend and promote the right, ability, and opportunity for all citizens to safely, responsibly and ethically hunt, fish, and take wildlife resources in the broadest sense;
6.Support and promote responsible management and conservation of natural and wildlife resources and habitat through sustainable hunting and take practices for current and future generations in accordance with the North American Model of Species Management;
7.Work together with law enforcement officials to protect, defend, educate, support, and promote the mission and objectives of the CRPA within the law enforcement community;
8.Build coalitions and work together with like-minded groups to further the purpose, mission, and objectives of the CRPA;
9.Support the objectives of the National Rifle Association of America (NRA)