
Kavanaugh and the 2nd Amendment

July 10, 2018

Last night, President Trump announced his latest nominee for the Supreme Court; gun owners will have another ally on the high court.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and all that it encompasses. He knows the meaning of “shall not be infringed” and understands that the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental part of the American Constitution. He fully grasps the meaning of the Heller case and has repeatedly spoken out and ruled against the elitist politicians who seek to demonize those who choose to own a gun for sport or self-defense.

Time and again, Judge Kavanaugh has shown his support for broader gun rights under the 2nd Amendment. In one case, Kavanaugh filed a 52-page dissent when the appeals court upheld a District of Columbia ordinance prohibiting semiautomatic rifles and magazines holding more than ten rounds. Standing up to this unconstitutional ordinance is just one example of what a staunch 2nd Amendment supporter Kavanaugh is. With him on the court, we could begin to overturn the myriad of unconstitutional California gun restrictions.

Unfortunately, Kavanaugh immediately came under fire from the well-financed political left. They hate the Second Amendment because it blocks their nanny state agenda, so they are raising TONS of money and launching hit piece ads to a complicit mainstream media. They are terrified! Bloomberg and Soros are already funding attacks on this highly qualified pro-Second Amendment nominee.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing won’t happen tomorrow or next week, but right now we are now in the fight for the future of the Second Amendment. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, he could be the DECIDING vote on the Second Amendment lawsuits we have pending, any of which could eventually reach the Supreme Court.

Thank you for your support and stay tuned for further updates about this crucial appointment.

Last night, President Trump announced his latest nominee for the Supreme Court; gun owners will have another ally on the high court.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and all that it encompasses. He knows the meaning of “shall not be infringed” and understands that the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental part of the American Constitution. He fully grasps the meaning of the Heller case and has repeatedly spoken out and ruled against the elitist politicians who seek to demonize those who choose to own a gun for sport or self-defense.

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