CRPA’s Commitment to Safety

As Sacramento lawmakers usher forth bill after bill impacting firearm rights, often they justify the restriction in the name of safety, not just for the public at large but even for the gunowner’s own household. Quite ironic, considering how foundational safety and training are to CRPA’s mission.
Week in and week out, CRPA’s experienced crew of expert trainers teach gun owners the finer points of firearm safety, including proper storage and handling. Whether you own a firearm for hunting, sport shooting, personal protection, or some combination of purposes, CRPA has a program to help you to “Be Safe. Shoot Straight. (and) Fight Back”.
Thousands of students and even new instructors have completed CRPA training courses, helping to ensure that safety and responsibility remain the norm for the community of lawful gun owners. As we head toward our 150th year serving California, CRPA will continue to emphasize firearm safety as a core element of our mission.
Want some new skills? Or to become a certified instructor yourself? We have the programs for you. Check out our upcoming schedule in each of these emails or on our website and find one that fits your schedule.