CRPA Takes Next Step To End SB 2

Of all the lame post-Bruen schemes developed by Newsom and his cohorts in Sacramento, SB 2 stands out. A juvenile scheme that pays lip service to Second Amendment rights then goes on to eliminate the exercise of those rights practically everywhere.
With the the case of May v. Bonta, CRPA continues to fight this horrendous law, and late last week we took the next step with the filing of a new supplemental brief. The brief, requested by the panel hearing the state’s appeal, and echoes the Court’s warning in McCulloch v. Maryland that ” right to tax, without limit or control,
is essentially a power to destroy.”
Our supplemental brief demonstrates how Rahimi poses several significant problems for the State, in that the Supreme Court: (1) required historical analogue laws anchored in the Founding Era; (2) justified its analysis in part based on the numerosity of laws that comprise the underlying historical tradition; (3) demanded a degree of fit the State cannot meet here; (4) presumed a broad Second Amendment right with very narrow limits; and (5) justified disarmament only on the grounds of proven, individualized dangerousness. All of these leave the State’s arguments in shambles.
The support for this case has been tremendous thus far, but we have a ways to go. This is still the Ninth Circuit, so anything can happen!