
Five Day Comment Period On Proposed “Emergency” Regulations Regarding Magazines Capable Of Holding More Than 10 Rounds Opens

December 23, 2016

As we previously reported, the California Department of Justice provided notice of  proposed regulations relating to magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds-Just days before the holidays when they think no one will be watching.

DOJ submitted the regulations under California’s emergency rulemaking process which shortens the timeframes for public view to just 5 days. DOJ announced today that the comment period has been opened, meaning any public comment must be submitted by 5:00pm on December 28, 2016. DOJ stated the regulations will take effect January 2, 2017.

Fortunately, you need not sit idly by while the DOJ attempts to enact ineffective and confusing regulations during the holiday season that will only ensnare otherwise law-abiding gun owners. NRA and CRPA’s team of attorneys have reviewed the proposed regulations and crafted a detailed analysis of their effect.

We encourage ALL OF OUR MEMBERS to review the analysis and to participate in the rulemaking process by submitting their own comments during the 5-day public comment period.

Within the analysis, there is a template email that you can copy and send to the DOJ, along with the proper contact information for submitting comments to DOJ officials. Of course, you are free to submit your own concerns, but we hope this template will make the process easier during this busy time of year.

We also ask that you copy CRPA when sending any emails at contact@crpa.org so we can monitor the response.

Thank you again for your time in responding to this important matter. We encourage you to subscribe to CRPA email alerts and join us in the fight against harmful regulations like these. NRA and CRPA attorneys are hard at work preparing lawsuits to challenge these new, unjust restrictions on our Second Amendment rights and will file these at the right time in the process.

As we previously reported, the California Department of Justice provided notice of  proposed regulations relating to magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds-Just days before the holidays when they think no one will be watching.

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