Some Wins, Some Losses In May v. Bonta Ruling
The latest ruling in May v. Bonta is something of a split decision, with some key victories achieved and some work left to do. This fight is most definitely not over, and we need your urgent support to keep pushing forward!!
Here’s where we won back your right to carry:
Medical facilities
Public transit
Gatherings that require a permit
Parking areas attached to these places
The “Vampire Rule”
Here’s where we came up short on today’s ruling (and what we’ll keep pushing on!):
Bars and restaurants serving alcohol
Parks, State Parks
Stadiums and Arenas
Parking areas
The result was better than expected given the tough three judge panel we faced, so while we’re disappointed by these losses, we must keep fighting!!
CRPA will act quickly to determine our next steps—whether it’s petitioning for en banc review, pushing for Supreme Court action, or pursuing a final judgment in the trial court and another appeal.
The state will stop at nothing to shut down our wins, so we cannot afford to slow down our momentum.