New from CRPA TV: Big Brother Wants MORE Info on You!

Oh, the government does love their databases, don’t they? They’re not always great a protecting them, but they seem to firmly believe that keeping people’s names and personal information in a computer solves a lot of problems.
Such is the case with SB 1160, which proposes to establish a new registry of “every firearm in the state”. The bill is the latest grand scheme of Sen. Anthony Portantino, who we all recall authored last year’s odious SB 2 (and we all know how well THAT is going).
Fear not, poorly guarded databases are not the ONLY solution Sacramento trumpets to protect the public:
- AB 3064, introduced by Asm. Brian Maienschein, would now charge manufacturers for the privilege of being on the state’s existing “roster” and change the requirements for inclusion.
- SB 53, also from Sen. Portantino, makes it a crime to store a firearm in your home anywhere but a locked storage container.
- AB 3067, introduced by Asm. Mike Gipson, would mandate that insurance companies include questions about gun ownership on homeowners’ policy applications and report that information to the state.
In the latest installment of CRPA TV, host Kevin Small welcomes CRPA Legislative Director Rick Travis to update these bills and how they, along with many others, combine to systematically punish legal gun ownership in the state.