
CRPA Foundation Expands The 2A Cause

February 15, 2024

For nearly two decades now, the CRPA Foundation has steadfastly pursued its mission to raise funds and conduct programs to ensure the continued fight to protect Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding citizens in California.

Always rooted in supporting CRPA’s most essential programs, the Foundation’s initiatives include a grant program that provides funding to local organizations for “programs and activities that benefit youth, women, law enforcement, military veterans, adaptive shooters, new gun owners”.  The Foundation’s scholarship program provides funding each year to kids heading off to college.  

The funding raised by the Foundation produces results in a wide variety of areas, as nearly every part of CRPA’s operations benefit.  The Foundation supports training and safety programs to increase the knowledge base of lawful gun owners.  It bolsters our litigation efforts to help beat back attacks on Second Amendment rights.  It pours into the next generation through youth shooting programs and an annual scholarship program.  The Foundation’s work also funds exhibitions, helps protect ranges, and supports research and education that helps advance the cause of the Second Amendment in innumerable ways. 

Each day, the CRPA Foundation works tirelessly to deliver results for 2A defenders in California.  Thanks to all who have supported the Foundation over the years, whether through volunteering of time, talent, or treasure.  CRPA, its membership, and the cause of the Second Amendment are better for your contributions.

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