
CRPA Joins GOC to File Amicus Brief in U.S. Supreme Court Supporting Critical Second Amendment Case

May 14, 2019

Today, the CRPA is proud to announce it has joined Gun Owners of California in filing an important amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court supporting the parties challenging New York City’s restrictive handgun licensing scheme, which prohibits any city resident from traveling outside the city limits while in possession of a licensed handgun, as a violation of the Second Amendment and other constitutional rights, in the case of NYSRPA v. City of New York.  For nearly a decade, the Supreme Court has been mostly silent on the Second Amendment, despite a flood of petitions asking it to review gun control laws or convictions from across the country.  The High Court is now poised to speak and many are anxious to hear what it has to say.

CRPA and GOC are hoping the Court speaks to the recalcitrance of lower courts in accepting that the Second Amendment is an actual fundamental right. In their brief they describe the repeated disrespect lower courts have shown the Second Amendment and the need for the Supreme Court to weigh in, explaining: “Left unguided by this Court, lower courts, including the Ninth Circuit, will continue to run roughshod over Second Amendment rights with impunity.”

The brief also describes the impact of courts disrespecting the Supreme Court in hostile places like California: “courts have not only mostly upheld laws challenged under the Second Amendment, but have done so in a manner that telegraphs to legislatures hostile to the Second Amendment that there will be no repercussions for infringing the Peoples’ right to keep and bear arms.”

Right now, on the heels of our magnificent court win against the Newsom magazine ban, CRPA has many more pro-2A lawsuits ready to file. CRPA is ready to challenge all the unconstitutional laws that have been passed by pandering California politicians who are working to suffocate our freedom-loving “gun culture.”

>> Please contribute with a tax-deductible gift and help CRPA keep our Second Amendment alive in California.

We have an uphill battle in this rigged state. But we now also have a unique opportunity to turn things around for the future of our 2A freedoms. Many of CRPA’s active and pending lawsuits are coming to a critical juncture, and we will have a precedent-setting decision coming soon from this case in the Supreme Court. That’s why CRPA filed this critical brief today.

If we work together we can build our legal war chest and continue our fight against the gun ban lobby. Donations are the ammunition we need to fight back.

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Today, the CRPA is proud to announce it has joined Gun Owners of California in filing an important amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court…

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