
National News = California Implications?

July 18, 2024

You political junkies having fun yet?  We’re living through a once-in-a-lifetime political storm in which the term “breaking news” seems to be redefining itself on a daily basis.  As of this afternoon, increasing calls for President Biden to resign seem to have reached critical mass and it may just be a matter of “when” not “if” that historic possibility might become reality.

Then the real fun starts.  Is Vice President Harris elevated to the top of the ticket?  Or will someone else leap right past her?  What political fallout will this generate?  The drama is palpable, and there is significant potential for impacts right here in California, as we are all aware by now.

To break down the specifics on how all this national news could impact the Golden State, CRPA TV host Kevin Small welcomes CRPA Legislative Director Rick Travis for an insightful conversation.  Don’t miss it…and watch quick before all the news changes!