
Ca Doj Submits Proposed Regulations Expanding Application Of “Assault Weapon” Regulations To Office Of Administrative Law

June 8, 2018

On Friday, May 25, the California Department of Justice, Bureau of Firearms (“CA DOJ”) formally submitted a proposed regulation expanding the application of the definitions for terms relating to “assault weapons” to apply in all circumstances. The Office of Administrative Law (“OAL”) will decide whether to approve the regulation on or before July 10, 2018.

If enacted, the proposed regulations would extend CA DOJ’s “assault weapon” definitions for registration to apply in all other circumstances—including enforcement. In addition to the proposal, CA DOJ has also include a “Final Statement of Reasons” and CA DOJ’s responses to all of the comments it received from members of the public, including NRA and CRPA attorneys, regarding the proposal.

NRA and CRPA attorneys are currently reviewing the proposed regulation and will work to update our members of any developments on the issue. In the meantime, gun owners should be aware that the deadline to register a firearm as an “assault weapon” is fast approaching. To better assist gun owners with the registration process, NRA and CRPA attorneys have prepared comprehensive webinars and additional guides which are available on CRPA’s website.

To access the “Bullet Button” / “Assault Weapon” Quick Reference Guide, visit https://crpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/AW-guide_reorder_4-17-18.pdf

To learn more about the registration process and procedures for registering, be sure to watch the CRPA webinar regarding CA DOJ’s “Bullet Button Assault Weapon” Regulations, available online at https://cc.readytalk.com/cc/playback/Playback.do?id=97rowx.

To learn more about other options besides registration, be sure to watch the CRPA two-part webinar regarding California “Compliant” Builds and California “Featureless” Builds, available online at https://cc.readytalk.com/cc/playback/Playback.do?id=2fhlhu(Part 1) and https://cc.readytalk.com/cc/playback/Playback.do?id=uwti8 (Part 2).

To stay up-to-date on the status of this proposed regulation, as well as the Villanueva v. Becerra lawsuit which challenges CA DOJ’s “assault weapon” registration regulations as a violation of California’s Administrative Procedures Act, be sure to subscribe to NRA and CRPA email alerts. And be sure to visit the NRA-ILA California dedicated webpage at www.StandAndFightCalifornia.com and the newly redesigned CRPA website at www.CRPA.org.

And don’t forget to register to vote and visit CRPA’s website to learn more about volunteer opportunities in your area to help protect and promote the Second Amendment in California. Visithttps://www.crpa.org/crpa-events/volunteer/ for more information.

On Friday, May 25, the California Department of Justice, Bureau of Firearms (“CA DOJ”) formally submitted a proposed regulation expanding the application of the definitions for terms relating to “assault weapons” to apply in all circumstances. The Office of Administrative Law (“OAL”) will decide whether to approve the regulation on or before July 10, 2018.

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