
The Not-So-Secret Agenda Behind AB 711

October 1, 2013

Earlier this week, twenty-one elected officials sent a letter to the Governor of California regarding Assembly Bill (AB) 711, one of a handful of firearms-related bills that has made it to the Governor’s desk this year.  AB 711, if signed into law by the Governor, will require all hunting in California to be done with so-called “non-toxic” ammunition.  As the legislators point out, this “non-toxic” substitute can go by another name: “armor piercing” (at least that is how the federal government currently classifies much of the ammunition AB 711 supporters want hunters to use).

The legislators admit they write to represent a group that does not always stand in the majority, rural Californians.  The letter points out, however, that California is not just the urban and suburban masses, but that the state’s character also derives in large part from its rural and agricultural communities.  Thus, when it is made clear that AB 711 is being pushed most heavily by the Humane Society of the United States, the conflict comes into clearer focus, as that group is led by a man who has expressly and unapologetically stated that his goal is to eliminate hunting.

The letter does not go into all of the details as to why AB 711 is flawed (huntfortruth.org is a clearing house on the lead ammunition debate), but it may be sufficient to give the Governor enough perspective to see that AB 711 is being rushed.  If the Governor does take a cue from the concerned legislators, there is reason to think he will not be hoodwinked into wiping away a large part of California’s heritage with a stroke of his pen.

The Hunt for Truth and like-minded wildlife and natural resource conservation groups continue to review various regulatory threats to traditional hunting and shooting sports. Where the science leads to a wise management conclusion, we support wildlife managers in their efforts to conserve our natural and wildlife resources. But where the science is faulty, politically biased, distorted or unsupportable, we continue to work tirelessly to expose the truth.

Earlier this week, twenty-one elected officials sent a letter to the Governor of California regarding Assembly Bill (AB) 711, one of a handful of firearms-related bills that has made it to the Governor’s desk this year. 

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