AB 225

AB 225 – Gun Violence Restraining Orders: Offenses
Melissa Melendez (R-67)
CRPA’s Position: Support
Summary: Existing law makes it a misdemeanor to file a petition for an ex parte gun violence restraining order or a gun violence restraining order issued after notice and a hearing knowing the information in the petition to be false or with the intent to harass. This bill would instead provide that it is perjury, a felony punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for 2, 3, or 4 years, to file a petition for one of those gun violence restraining orders knowing the information in the petition to be false. By increasing the penalty for existing crimes, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
To view full version of the bill click here.
Introduced: 2/3/2015
Current Status: 1/15/2016-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(b)(1).
Location: 1/15/2016-A. Dead.
AB 225 – Gun Violence Restraining Orders: Offenses
Melissa Melendez (R-67)
CRPA’s Position: Support
Summary: Existing law makes it a misdemeanor to file a petition for an ex parte gun violence restraining order or a gun violence restraining order issued after notice and a hearing knowing the information in the petition to be false or with the intent to harass.
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