BREAKING: Oral Arguments Held in CRPA’s SB 2 Challenge

Today, the 9th circuit heard oral arguments in three separate sensitive places cases, including CRPA’s challenge to SB2, May v. Bonta. Unfortunately, the panel seemed to be hostile to our side and may be dead-set on mostly reversing Judge Carney’s excellent ruling. Our attorney made an impact by addressing all of those tough questions thus making it more difficult to overrule our injunction without some kind of legal gymnastics by the court. If that happens, CRPA will consider filing a cert petition for the Supreme Court to correct the panel’s errors.
You will recall that SB 2 was enjoined very late in 2023, a decision the state tried desperately, but unsuccessfully, to overturn. The law remains barred from taking effect pending the outcome of CRPA’s legal challenge.
Today’s oral arguments represent the next step in getting this law off the books FOR GOOD! As we continue to reiterate, a right is not a right if it cannot be exercised.
CRPA will keep up the fight and keep you updated every step of the way. Thank you to all who have contributed to helping us….