
Did You Know? CRPA Maintains Legislative Reports As It Happens!

Did You Know that CRPA Tracks Legislation as it Happens?


If you are new to CRPA, you may be trying to find your way around the website. If you are looking for more information on what is happening in Sacramento, look no further!


We post all of our tracked legislation and opposition letters right here.


As part of our CRPA Legislative Advocacy Program this information is updated as new information is available on our Legislative Affairs Report. As always, make sure that you are signed up for our member emails and social media as these platforms are the first places that we let members know about urgent calls to action that you can help with.


Don’t know who your elected officials are? Click here to locate who your elected officials are so that you can quickly help us contact them when called upon in a time of need. It takes everyone so they can hear our voice in Sacramento!


Need information on registering to vote? Click here to get registered today. The upcoming elections are so important. We hope that you vote for Pro-Gun Candidates that will help to preserve your Second Amendment rights. Share with your friends and family too. We will be updating our voter guide with ratings for candidates closer to the general election as well.

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