
Important Amicus Brief Filed For Peruta Case

February 23, 2017

As reported earlier, CRPA’s attorneys filed a petition with the United States Supreme Court on January 12, 2017, asking the Court to review the case of Peruta v. California, which seeks to confirm that the Second Amendment protects the right to carry a firearm for self-defense.

Last week, a number of important amicus curiae briefs were filed in support of Plaintiffs’ petition urging the Supreme Court to take the case. These critical briefs come from a number of diverse and influential sources, including state governors, prominent law enforcement officials and organizations, high-profile civil rights groups, and twenty-six states. Below are the groups and individuals who filed an amicus brief along with links to each brief:

The briefs are now being circulated to the Justices and their respective clerks. The Supreme Court should issue a decision soon as to whether it will hear the Peruta case. CRPA thanks, all of the groups and individuals who came together to support this important case.

As reported earlier, CRPA’s attorneys filed a petition with the United States Supreme Court on January 12, 2017, asking the Court to review the case of Peruta v. California, which seeks to confirm that the Second Amendment protects the right to carry a firearm for self-defense.

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