
Three Bills Move On

March 22, 2017

On March 21st, the Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees approved two different bills that will hinder the Second Amendment in California while the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee approved a bill that will give back to California’s veterans.

On a party-line vote, the Assembly Public Safety Committee approved AB 7, which will further burden law-abiding Californians by expanding the restrictions on open carry of an unloaded firearm in a public place or public street within an unincorporated portion of a county.

Additionally, on another party-line vote, the Senate Public Safety Committee approved SB 464, which will place even more burdensome firearm requirements on California licensed firearm dealers, who already face the most restrictive regulations in the nation. All SB 464 will do is result in adding more costs to licensed firearm dealers which will then result in higher prices for the consumer, and potential closing of small businesses.

In a change of pace, the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee approved unanimously a positive bill in AB 986, which will reduce sporting license fees for veterans in recognition of their service to this county and serve as a small token of California’s appreciation for their sacrifice. Special thanks to Assemblyman James Gallagher for recognizing our veterans and our need to get more sportsmen and women afield.

CRPA will continue to monitor these bills and oppose the negative pieces of legislation and support the positive bill as each makes their way through the legislature and CRPA will keep you informed on each step of the process so that you can take part in defending your Second Amendment rights.

On March 21st, the Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees approved two different bills that will hinder the Second Amendment in California while the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee approved a bill that will give back to California’s veterans.

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