
Tell Governor Brown To Veto SB 464

September 1, 2017

Stop SB 464

Last week, SB 464 passed the Assembly and may be on its way to the governor’s desk soon. SB 464 aims to create more stringent requirements regarding the storage of firearms by vendors. These proposed regulations are gratuitous and would spell disaster for firearms dealers across the state. The increased security necessary to comply with the proposed law would be immensely expensive; unable to shoulder the cost, many of California’s small firearms vendors would be put out of business.

CRPA and all California firearms dealers need your help to stop this bill before the governor signs it into law. We urge you to contact the governor and tell him to veto SB 464. Attached below is a veto letter to copy and email to Governor Brown. You can email him here. Thank you for your support.

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Stop SB 464

Last week, SB 464 passed the Assembly and may be on its way to the governor’s desk soon. SB 464 aims to create more stringent requirements regarding the storage of firearms by vendors. These proposed regulations are gratuitous and would spell disaster for firearms dealers across the state. The increased security necessary to comply with the proposed law would be immensely expensive; unable to shoulder the cost, many of California’s small firearms vendors would be put out of business.

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