
Take Action: Support AB 757 & AB 521 Today!

April 1, 2017

Take Action: Support AB 757 & AB 521!

As previously reported, AB 757, which could make California a “shall issue” state will be heard before the Assembly Public Safety Committee on Tuesday, April 4th. The hearing will take place in Room 126 of the State Capitol at 9 AM. It is critical that you contact the Public Safety Committee and urge them to support this important bill that has been proposed by Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez!

In addition to AB 757, CRPA supported and sponsored AB 521, which will greatly reduce the outrageously over-priced California Elk Tags from $450 to $67, will be heard by the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee on Tuesday, April 4th. The hearing for AB 521 will take place in room 444 of the State Capitol at 9 AM. Please contact the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee and urge them to support this bill that will allow more Californians to take part in hunting and reverse the steady decline of hunting that has been seen in California over the past twenty years by reducing Elk Tag fees to the average of most western states.

Take Action: Support AB 757 & AB 521!

As previously reported, AB 757, which could make California a “shall issue” state will be heard before the Assembly Public Safety Committee on Tuesday, April 4th. The hearing will take place in Room 126 of the State Capitol at 9 AM. It is critical that you contact the Public Safety Committee and urge them to support this important bill that has been proposed by Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez!

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