Take Action: Stop SB 464 & SB 497!
SB 464 (Hill), which aims to place even more burdensome and meaningless regulations on licensed firearm dealers in California, will be heard by the Senate Appropriations Committee on April 17. SB 464 is unnecessary as licensed firearm dealers already must adhere to strict safety regulations and all the bill will result in is higher costs for licensed firearm dealers, higher prices for consumers, and possible closure of small businesses and loss of jobs.
Help CRPA defeat SB 464 by contacting the Senate Appropriations Committee today!
Contact The Senate Appropriations Committee!
CRPA will also be testifying against SB 497 (Portantino) in the Senate Public Safety Committee on April 18. SB 497 would make the 30-day prohibition that currently exists for handguns be applicable to all firearms. While there are some minor exemptions included in the bill, SB 497 is still unacceptable. SB 497 would only serve as another burden on law-abiding gun owners who are looking to enjoy recreational shooting sports or protect themselves and their families.
You can help us defeat SB 497 by contacting the Senate Public Safety Committee today!
Contact The Senate Public Safety Committee!
For current information on CRPA’s endeavors in Sacramento, please visit CRPA.org daily. Also, if you would like to support our efforts, you can do so by donating to CRPA. Every dollar received goes directly to preserving your Second Amendment rights in California.
Thank you for standing with CRPA as we fight to preserve and expand the Second Amendment in California!
SB 464 (Hill), which aims to place even more burdensome and meaningless regulations on licensed firearm dealers in California, will be heard by the Senate Appropriations Committee on April 17. SB 464 is unnecessary as licensed firearm dealers already must adhere to strict safety regulations and all the bill will result in is higher costs for licensed firearm dealers, higher prices for consumers, and possible closure of small businesses and loss of jobs.
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