
SB 869

February 17, 2016

SB 869 – Firearms: Securing Handguns In Vehicle
Jerry Hill (D-13)

CRPA’S Position: Oppose

Summary: Existing law prohibits a person who is 18 years of age or older, and who is the owner, lessee, renter, or other legal occupant of a residence, who owns a firearm and who knows or has reason to know that another person also residing there is prohibited by state or federal law from possessing, receiving, owning, or purchasing a firearm from keeping a firearm in that residence, unless the firearm is secured, as specified. A violation of this prohibition is a misdemeanor. This bill would require a person, when leaving a handgun in a vehicle, to secure the handgun by locking it in the trunk of the vehicle or locking it in a locked container and placing the container out of plain view. The bill would make a violation of these requirements an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

To view full version of the bill click here.

Introduced: 1/12/2016

Current Status: 1/28/2016-Referred to Committee on Public Safety.

Location: 1/28/2016-S. Public Safety.

SB 869 – Firearms: Securing Handguns In Vehicle
Jerry Hill (D-13)

CRPA’S Position: Oppose

Summary: Existing law prohibits a person who is 18 years of age or older, and who is the owner, lessee, renter, or other legal occupant of a residence, who owns a firearm and who knows or has reason to know that another person also residing there is prohibited by state or federal law from possessing, receiving, owning, or purchasing a firearm from keeping a firearm in that residence, unless the firearm is secured, as specified.

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