SB 714
March 9, 2015

SB 714- Firearms
Jim Nielsen (R-4)
CRPA’s Position: Watch
Summary: This bill would impose, on persons prohibited from possessing firearms and who have a prior felony conviction, an additional 10-year term in state prison on subsequent, specified firearms convictions.
To view full version of bill click here.
Introduced: 2/27/2015
Current Status: 5/1/2015-Failed deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). (Last location was Public Safety on 3/19/2015)
Location: 5/1/2015-S. 2 Year.
SB 714- Firearms
Jim Nielsen (R-4)
CRPA’s Position: Watch
Summary: This bill would impose, on persons prohibited from possessing firearms and who have a prior felony conviction, an additional 10-year term in state prison on subsequent, specified firearms convictions.
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