Oppose SB 1315
Oppose SB 1315!
Imitation Firearms Regulations; County of Los Angeles
Once again we need your help in stopping a wrong-minded bill – SB 1315. SB 1315 is a rework of last year’s defeated bill SB 798 that attempted to regulate the manufacture and sale of BB devices and pellet guns. Last year’s bill language has been modified this year to give Los Angeles County and its cities the authority to enact local restrictions on BB devices and pellet guns. SB 1315 is still a bad idea!
SB 1315, attacks California’s firearm preemption law by:
- Exempting Los Angeles County and cities within Los Angeles County from California’s preemption law
- Permitting Los Angeles County and cities within Los Angeles County to establish local regulations on BB devices and pellet guns that are more restrictive than state regulations
California’s preemption law has a positive purpose; it gives the legislature the authority to uniformly regulate the manufacture, sale, and possession of BB devices and pellet guns. The law stops counties and cities from enacting local regulations and creating a checkerboard of confusing and conflicting laws.
SB 1315 may be heard soon. Please contact your Assembly Member to voice your opposition to SB 1315. The following are important points that you may want to make regarding this bill:
- SB 1315 flies in the face of the California preemption law and creates a conflict between state law and regulations.
- Laws governing BB devices and pellet guns should be uniform throughout the state
- SB 1315 is unnecessary legislation. Current state law regulating BB devices and pellet guns works throughout the state, and there is no need for more restrictive regulations in Los Angeles County and its cities
- SB 1315 would be confusing for the public crossing through jurisdictions passing to and from their home to a shooting facility or event. Local ordinances in conflict with state firearms law only serve to set the public up to inadvertently commit a crime.
SB 1315 will not reduce crime or halt criminals
- SB 1315 proposes to allow the County of Los Angeles and its municipalities to regulate the sale and manufacture of BB devices and pellet guns. As a result, it may result in pushing manufacturers to move out of California to a friendly business environment resulting in the loss of California jobs and tax dollars
Act now to contact your state senator today and voice your strong opposition to SB 1315! Don’t delay! And, don’t forget to spread the word and ask others to get involved. Call, write or email your senator.
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Write to Your Representatives and CommissionersSend your comments on pending legislation and regulatory actions to your legislator and/or the Fish and Game Commission. And remember that it is just as important to send a letter or e-mail thanking officials when they support gun owners and sportsmen. Please keep in mind the following when you write:
- State your name and address (phone number optional)
- State that you are a member of CRPA
- Be professional and courteous
- Be concise
- State what the issue is
- State your concerns or your thanks
- State what action you are requesting
State Legislators: Find the specific address for your legislator at www.legislature.ca.gov or address your letter to your legislator and mail it to the State Capitol, Sacramento, 94248-0001
For questions on Fish and Game Commission meetings, permit revocations, and the regulatory process, please contact the Fish and Game Commission.
Mailing Address:
California Fish and Game Commission
1416 Ninth Street
P.O. Box 944209
Sacramento, CA 94244-2090E-mail: fgc@dfg.ca.gov
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Imitation Firearms Regulations; County of Los AngelesOnce again we need your help in stopping a wrong-minded bill – SB 1315. SB 1315 is a rework of last year’s defeated bill SB 798 that attempted to regulate the manufacture and sale of BB devices and pellet guns. Last year’s bill language has been modified this year to give Los Angeles County and its cities the authority to enact local restrictions on BB devices and pellet guns. SB 1315 is still a bad idea!
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