
More Restrictions Placed on Second Amendment Rights

August 28, 2018

Gun ban and anti-hunting zealots have succeeded in pushing their unconstitutional agenda through the California Assembly.

SB 1100 (Portantino, D), will raise the age to purchase a long gun in California to 21. While this bill does contain exemptions for active law enforcement, active military, and active hunting license holders, it is a dangerous attack on one of our foundational right as Americans. By raising the age to purchase a long gun to 21, SB 1100 is setting an arbitrary age barrier on the right to self-defense. Young mothers, students, and veterans will all be left defenseless in their homes by this bill. No other Constitutional right has an age limit placed on it, our Second Amendment shouldn’t either.

We would like to thank Assemblymembers Harper, Waldron, and Melendez for speaking out for the rights of California’s young adults; they took a stand for our rights, which is more than can be said for most politicians.

The bill is now on its way back to the Senate for concurrence where it is unfortunately expected to pass. The time for action is NOW. Contact Governor Brown and urge him to veto this bad bill. With your support, we can still stop this bill from becoming law.

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