Last Week Of Legislative Session Is In Full Swing!

It is the last week of the Legislative Session in California and we need your help to defeat anti-gun legislation and protect Second Amendment rights in the state!
AB 1014 (Skinner)-Gun Violence Restraining Orders
This bill would authorize a court to issue a gun violence restraining order if a law enforcement officer or family member asserts and a judge finds that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the subject of the petition poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to himself, herself, or another by having under his or her custody and control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm and/or ammunition and that the order is necessary to prevent personal injury to himself, herself, or another person, as specified. The restraining order would be issued without prior notice to the named person and without the benefit of a court hearing where the named person is present to defend himself before the order is issued and their firearms and are seized. A hearing would be held within 21 days following issuance of the gun violence restraining order.
AB 1609-Firearms (Alejo)
This bill would increase the penalty for a California resident who imports a handgun into the State without conducting the transfer through a firearms dealer. The bill would allow prosecution as either a misdemeanor or a felony.
SB 53-Ammunition Purchase Permit (De Leon)
This bill was amended on 8/22/2014 to remove the provision requiring an ammunition purchase permit. This bill would now ban internet and mail order ammunition purchases by California residents unless they are a licensed hunter. Don’t be fooled by this attempt to divide and conquer firearms owners! The bill also bans private transfers of ammunition between individuals. This bill also proposes to require that ammunition may only be purchased from vendors, licensed by California (DOJ) and that a post-purchase background check be conducted on each purchaser by the DOJ. The bill would limit the millions of non-hunters, who own firearms for shooting sports and for self-defense purposes, to face-to-face ammunition purchases through a licensed ammunition vendor. Funding for implementation is proposed to come from the $5 fee currently collected on each firearm purchase and dedicated to funding the Department of Justice’s Firearm Safety and Enforcement Special Fund. Use of these funds to support the provisions of SB 53 creates an unauthorized tax on firearms purchases.
SB 808–Firearms Identifying Information (De Leon)
This bill would, commencing on July 1, 2016, require a person who manufactures or assembles a firearm to first apply to the department for a unique serial number or other identifying marks, as provided. The bill would, by January 1, 2017, require any person who as of July 1, 2016, owns a firearm that does not bear a serial number to likewise apply to the department for a unique serial number or other mark of identification. The bill would prohibit the sale or transfer of ownership of a firearm manufactured or assembled pursuant to these provisions unless sold or transferred to a law enforcement agency.
You can make a difference! Call and/or email your Assembly Member and Senator to voice your opposition.
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You may also follow the links and click on your elected official’s name to call the office directly. Please note that we cannot list all legislator phone numbers in this alert. Thank you for your support.
It is the last week of the Legislative Session in California and we need your help to defeat anti-gun legislation and protect Second Amendment rights in the state!
AB 1014 (Skinner)-Gun Violence Restraining Orders
This bill would authorize a court to issue a gun violence restraining order if a law enforcement officer or family member asserts and a judge finds that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the subject of the petition poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to himself, herself, or another by having under his or her custody and control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm and/or ammunition and that the order is necessary to prevent personal injury to himself, herself, or another person, as specified. The restraining order would be issued without prior notice to the named person and without the benefit of a court hearing where the named person is present to defend himself before the order is issued and their firearms and are seized. A hearing would be held within 21 days following issuance of the gun violence restraining order.
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