
Cupertino Public Safety Commission Considers Anti Gun Ordinance

January 11, 2017

On Thursday, January 12, the Cupertino Public Safety Commission will be discussing a staff report and accompany draft ordinance which seeks to amend the City’s municipal code as it relates to firearms. Currently, the City already has an ordinance prohibiting the discharge of a firearm unless in self-defense or with permission from the Chief of Police. But if enacted, the ordinance will impose additional requirements that include: (1) the reporting of lost or stolen firearms within 48 hours; (2) the locked-storage of firearms in the home; (3) a ban on the possession of magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds; and, (4) recordkeeping requirements for ammunition sales.

Even with the passage of Proposition 63 and California Governor Jerry Brown signing several new anti-gun bills in 2016, anti-gun forces will not rest until the Second Amendment is nothing more than a hollow guarantee in California. Such proposals raise serious constitutional concerns, questions of enforceability, and are detrimental to public safety. What’s more, they only serve to create an environment in which gun owners cannot cooperate with police without risking prosecution, resulting in the exact opposite of their intended effect.

California gun owners should know that Thursday’s meeting is only the first volley in what is sure to be a long and drawn out debate regarding the proposed ordinance. So while it is still early in the process, it is critical that gun owners voice their opposition now to prevent the ordinance from gaining further traction.

The Public Safety Commission meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:00 pm in Conference Room A of City Hall, located at 10300 Torre Avenue. The ordinance in question is expected to be discussed as part of item number 3 on the agenda. We encourage all of our members to attend. Should you be unable to participate in person, you can also contact the members of the Commission by contacting the Commission’s staff liaison using the following information:

Captain Rich Urena
West Valley Patrol Division
Office of the Sheriff, Santa Clara County
Office Phone: (408) 868-6600
City Hall Fax: (408) 777-3366

On Thursday, January 12, the Cupertino Public Safety Commission will be discussing a staff report and accompany draft ordinance which seeks to amend the City’s municipal code as it relates to firearms. Currently, the City already has an ordinance prohibiting the discharge of a firearm unless in self-defense or with permission from the Chief of Police.

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