Contact Governor Brown Now!

The 2015 California legislative session has ended with four anti-gun/hunting bills heading to Governor Jerry Brown for his consideration.
Call and email Governor Brown and urge him to VETO AB 96, AB 1134, SB 707, and SB 347.
Listed below are some arguments against each of these bills:
Assembly Bill 96 was introduced with the intent of curbing poaching and helping to end the illegal ivory trade.
However, AB 96 would not accomplish its purported objective. This bill would only harm those who have no part in these activities: firearm owners, sportsmen, hunters, recreational shooters and gun collectors who have legally purchased firearms (knives, jewelry, antiques and other firearms) with ivory features. If implemented, AB 96 would make it a crime to sell property that was acquired legally and in good faith, while doing nothing to stop poaching or the illegal ivory trade.
Assembly Bill 1134 would increase the red tape and costs associated with issuing CCW permits and make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to apply for CCW permits while doing nothing to reduce crime.
Senate Bill 707 will lead to the unjust prosecution of otherwise law-abiding firearm owners. It is a solution in search of a problem, as we are not aware of any situation in California or the rest of the country in which a CCW holder committed an act of violence while on school property. SB 707 is yet another misguided bill that only impacts law-abiding CCW permit holders while doing nothing to reduce crime.
Senate Bill 347 would create a ten-year prohibition on firearms possession for carrying or transporting ammunition.
Existing law has mandated a ten-year prohibition on the possession of firearms for anyone convicted of numerous misdemeanors involving violence or threats of violence. If enacted into law, law-abiding parents who have been target shooting and inadvertently leave a box of ammunition in their trunk while dropping off or picking up their child from school or parking in a school parking lot would be prohibited from possessing firearms for ten years. There is no basis for this kind of legislative overreach.
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The 2015 California legislative session has ended with four anti-gun/hunting bills heading to Governor Jerry Brown for his consideration.
Call and email Governor Brown and urge him to VETO AB 96, AB 1134, SB 707, and SB 347.
Listed below are some arguments against each of these bills:
Assembly Bill 96 was introduced with the intent of curbing poaching and helping to end the illegal ivory trade.
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