
Assembly Appropriations Supports Gun Show Ban

August 9, 2018

This morning the California Assembly Appropriations Committee Democrats voted in favor of banning gun shows at the Cow Palace arena in Daly City (SB 221 Wiener, D).

CRPA and our allies provided strong testimony in favor of the shows at the Daly City Cow Palace. Despite our efforts, the bill moved forward.

The Department of Finance testified in opposition to SB221, citing this bill would create a precedence set for the entire state losing revenue in regards to ammunition sales. Despite this lack of support from Finance, Assembly Appropriations passed this measure. This is bad for the state, gun-owners, and is politically motivated by Assembly Democrats who are more concerned with voting along political party lines rather than for the financial health of the state.

This effort to target California gun shows is going to the floor; if there was a time to fight for gun shows and our 2A rights, its now!

Call your local State Assemblymember and make sure they know to vote NO on SB 221.

This morning the California Assembly Appropriations Committee Democrats voted in favor of banning gun shows at the Cow Palace arena in Daly City (SB 221 Wiener, D).

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