
Act Now To Veto These Bills!

September 2, 2014

SB 53 Defeated in a close, end of session vote and others headed to Governor – Act Now!

For those that did not see the email sent out at 3:30 am on Saturday morning – SB 53 was defeated in a very close vote as the last bill for consideration in this legislative session! Thanks to all who wrote, called and emailed your elected officials.

Now we have several bills that are headed to the Governor for signature or veto.

Please contact the Governor to express your opinion.

AB 1014 – Gun Violence Restraining Orders
AB 1609 – Firearm Importation
SB 199 – BB Devices
SB 808 – Firearms Identifying Information

SB 53 Defeated in a close, end of session vote and others headed to Governor – Act Now!

For those that did not see the email sent out at 3:30 am on Saturday morning – SB 53 was defeated in a very close vote as the last bill for consideration in this legislative session! Thanks to all who wrote, called and emailed your elected officials.

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