
AB 950

March 9, 2015

AB 950 – Firearms: Gun Violence Restraining Orders
Melissa Melendez (R-67)

CRPA’s Position: Support

Summary: This bill would allow a person who is subject to a gun violence restraining order to transfer his or her firearms or ammunition to a licensed firearms dealer for the duration of the prohibition. If the firearms or ammunition have been surrendered to a law enforcement agency, the bill would entitle the owner to have them transferred to a licensed firearms dealer.

To view full version of bill click here.

Introduced: 2/26/2015

Last Amend: 6/30/2015

Current Status: 8/13/2015-Signed by the Governor,

Location: 8/13/2015-A. Chaptered,

AB 950 – Firearms: Gun Violence Restraining Orders
Melissa Melendez (R-67)

CRPA’s Position: Support

Summary: This bill would allow a person who is subject to a gun violence restraining order to transfer his or her firearms or ammunition to a licensed firearms dealer for the duration of the prohibition. If the firearms or ammunition have been surrendered to a law enforcement agency, the bill would entitle the owner to have them transferred to a licensed firearms dealer.

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