AB 665
AB 665 – Hunting Or Fishing: Local Regulation
Jim Frazier (D-11)
CRPA’s Position: Support
Summary: Under current law, a city or county has no authority to regulate fish and game except that a city or county may adopt an ordinance that incidentally affects fishing and hunting for the protection of public health and safety. This bill would clarify that the state has sole authority to regulate the taking and possession of fish and game.
To view full version of bill click here.
Introduced: 2/24/2015
Last Amend: 6/29/2015
Current Status: 7/7/2015-In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
Location: 6/29/2015-S. Appropriations.
Calendar: 7/13/2015 Anticipated Hearing Senate Appropriations, not in daily file.
AB 665 – Hunting Or Fishing: Local Regulation
Jim Frazier (D-11)
CRPA’s Position: Support
Summary: Under current law, a city or county has no authority to regulate fish and game except that a city or county may adopt an ordinance that incidentally affects fishing and hunting for the protection of public health and safety. This bill would clarify that the state has sole authority to regulate the taking and possession of fish and game.
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