AB 267

AB 267 – Criminal Procedure: Disclosure: Felony Conviction Consequences
Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-59)
CRPA’s Position: Support
Summary: This bill would require the court, when the defendant first appears for arraignment on a felony charge, to inform the defendant that accepting a plea or suffering a conviction for a felony results in various consequences, including prohibitions against owning or possessing a firearm.
To view full version of bill click here.
Introduced: 2/10/2015
Last Amend: 4/16/2015
Current Status: 6/17/2015-Read second time. Ordered to third reading.
Location: 6/17/2015-S. Third reading.
Calendar: 6/18/2015 #45 Senate Assembly Bills-Third reading file.
AB 267 – Criminal Procedure: Disclosure: Felony Conviction Consequences
Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-59)
CRPA’s Position: Support
Summary: This bill would require the court, when the defendant first appears for arraignment on a felony charge, to inform the defendant that accepting a plea or suffering a conviction for a felony results in various consequences, including prohibitions against owning or possessing a firearm.
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