AB 2305
AB 2305 – Weapons
Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D-54)
CRPA’s Position: Oppose
Summary: This bill would make a person who carries a concealed handgun “on or about the person” in violation of carrying a concealed firearm. The bill would also make any person who carries a loaded firearm “on or about the person” a violation of carrying a loaded or concealed firearm. The bill would define the term “on or about the person” for the purpose of these provisions.
To view full version of bill click here.
Introduced: 2/21/2014
Last Amend: 4/10/2014
Current Status: 5/23/2014-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(b)(8). (Last location was A. Appropriations Suspense File on 5/23/2014)
Location: 5/23/2014-A. Dead.
AB 2305 – Weapons
Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D-54)
CRPA’s Position: Oppose
Summary: This bill would make a person who carries a concealed handgun “on or about the person” in violation of carrying a concealed firearm. The bill would also make any person who carries a loaded firearm “on or about the person” a violation of carrying a loaded or concealed firearm. The bill would define the term “on or about the person” for the purpose of these provisions.
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