
AB 2210

March 14, 2014

AB 2210- Nongame Mammals: Depredators
Das Williams (D-37)

CRPA’s Position: Watch

Summary: This bill would require that non-native fox squirrels, instead of red fox squirrels, may be taken as specified. The bill would also prohibit the barter of raw furs and would require that all animals in the traps be removed within 24 hours of the setting of the trap instead of at least once daily. The bill would require that non-targeted species be released unharmed and not taken.

To view full version of bill click here.

Introduced: 2/20/2014

Current Status: 5/30/2014-Failed deadline pursuant to Rule 61(b)(11). (Last location as A. Third Reading on 5/1/2014)

Location: 5/30/2014-A. Dead.

AB 2210- Nongame Mammals: Depredators
Das Williams (D-37)

CRPA’s Position: Watch

Summary: This bill would require that non-native fox squirrels, instead of red fox squirrels, may be taken as specified. The bill would also prohibit the barter of raw furs and would require that all animals in the traps be removed within 24 hours of the setting of the trap instead of at least once daily. The bill would require that non-targeted species be released unharmed and not taken.

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