2013 Final Bill Status

Last Updated: October 16, 2013
Thanks again to all members who took the time to write and/or call legislators. We are working with the NRA and our Attorneys to formulate the most positive response to Governor Jerry Brown’s action on these anti-gun and anti-hunting bills. The fight is not over!!!
Click the bill number for more information.
AB 48 – Firearms: Large Capacity Magazines. Proposes to ban high-capacity magazine kits that hold more than 10 rounds and make it a crime to buy a high capacity magazine.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
AB 134 – The California Public Records Act: applications for licenses and licenses to carry firearms. Proposes to protect personal information of persons licensed to carry handguns.
Current Status: 5/3/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). (Last location was Judiciary on 4/23/2013)
AB 169 – Unsafe handguns. Proposes to limit private party transfers/consignments of non-rostered, used handguns. The bill would limit individuals to selling/consigning a maximum of two used handguns per calendar year.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Vetoed by the Governor.
AB 170 – Assault weapons and .50 BMG rifles. Proposes a ban on purchase of assault weapons by corporations.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
AB 174 – Public school health centers. Defeated; amended by author into a health bill; no longer a firearms bill.
Current Status: 10/9/2013-Vetoed by the Governor.
AB 180 – Registration and licensing of firearms: City of Oakland. Proposes to allow the City of Oakland, through an ordinance, to circumvent state preemption of firearms laws.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Vetoed by the Governor.
AB 187 – Taxation: ammunition: School-Based Early Mental Health Intervention and Prevention Services Matching Grant Program: Public Safety Emergency Prevention Fund. Proposes a 10% gross receipt tax on ammunition retailers.
Current Status: 5/24/2013-In committee: Set, first hearing. Referred to Appropriations suspense file. In committee: Held under submission.
AB 202 – School security: School Marshal Plan. Proposes to establish a school marshal plan overseen by school districts.
Current Status: 5/3/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). (Last location was Education on 4/18/2013)
AB 231 – Firearms: criminal storage. Proposes to make it a crime for a firearms owner store a loaded firearm in a place where a child is likely to gain access to a loaded firearm, within any premises under the control of the firearm owner, unless the owner has secured the firearm against access by a child by a trigger lock or other means.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
AB 232 – Income taxes: credit: gun buybacks. Proposes to give a tax credit (up to $5,000), for gun buy backs conducted by cities.
Current Status: 5/13/2013-In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
AB 249 – Firearms: open carry prohibitions. Proposes to repeal the ban on open carry of firearms.
Current Status: 5/10/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). (Last location was Public Safety on 4/16/2013)
AB 280 – Firearms. Proposes to increase the penalties for a California resident convicted of transporting or bringing a firearm into California for the purposes of selling, transferring, or loaning a firearm without transferring the firearm through a California licensed firearms dealer. In addition to increased penalties, the bill also proposes a ten-year prohibition on possession of firearms.
Current Status: 9/13/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(14). (Last location was Elections & Constitutional Amendments on 9/9/2013)
AB 497 – Fish and wildlife. Proposes to require formation of a Fish and Game Commission Wildlife Resources Committee to study wildlife issues and report back to the Fish and Game Commission. The committee would consist of stakeholders and at least one Fish and Game Commissioner.
Current Status: 9/6/2013-Chaptered by Secretary of State – Chapter 233, Statutes of 2013.
AB 500 – Firearms. Proposes to allow the Department of Justice (DOJ) to extend the waiting period from 10 to 15 days in some circumstances. Proposes safe storage requirements for firearms. Proposes to require the dealer to notify DOJ that the purchaser actually took possession of the purchased firearm.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
AB 538 – Firearms. Proposes to require licensed firearms dealers to provide copies of the dealer record of sales to the purchaser at the time of delivery of a firearm and would make other technical changes. This bill has been linked to SB 683 and would make other changes if SB 683 becomes operative.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
AB 539 – Firearm possession: prohibitions: transfer to licensed dealer. Proposes to allow persons subject to a restraining order to transfer firearms to a licensed firearms dealer for the time specified by court order.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
AB 598 – Firearms. Proposes to make technical changes to the requirement for firearms dealers to retain records of electronic or telephonic records of firearms transfers.
Current Status: 5/10/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). (Last location was Print on 2/20/2013)
AB 685 – State goods: peace officer’s state-issued handgun: spouse or domestic partner. Proposes to allow a peace officer’s spouse or domestic partner to purchase the officer’s state-issued handgun if the officer dies in the line of duty.
Current Status: 6/24/2013-Chaptered by Secretary of State – Chapter 16, Statutes of 2013.
AB 711 – Hunting: nonlead ammunition. Proposes to require the use of nonlead ammunition for the taking of all wildlife with a firearm.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
AB 740 – Firearms. Proposes to revise the definition of infrequent firearms transfers and other definitions related to firearms transactions.
Current Status: 5/24/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). (Last location was Appropriations on 5/24/2013)
AB 760 – Taxes: ammunition sales. Proposes to impose a tax of .05 per item of ammunition or reloading components sold at retail.
Current Status: 5/13/2013-In committee: Set, second hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
AB 761 – Public retirement systems: investments. Proposes to ban public retirement system investments in firearms and/or ammunition companies.
Current Status: 5/24/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). (Last location was Appropriations Suspense File on 5/8/2013)
AB 871 – Concealed weapons. Proposes to define self-defense as good cause for issuance of a license to carry a concealed handgun.
Current Status: 5/3/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). (Last location was Public Safety on 4/16/2013)
AB 1009 – Deadly weapons: definition. Proposes to make technical changes to the definition of a deadly weapon.
Current Status: 5/10/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). (Last location was Print on 2/22/2013)
AB 1020 – Firearms: notice to purchasers. Proposes to require the Attorney General to issue a letter, during the 10-day waiting period, to firearm purchasers advising of safe storage requirements and laws relating to gun trafficking.
Current Status: 5/24/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). (Last location was Appropriations on 5/24/2013)
AB 1084 – Firearms: punishment. Proposes to increase punishment, for the use of a firearm, in a number of crimes.
Current Status: 5/3/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). (Last location was Public Safety on 4/30/2013)
AB 1131 – Firearms. Proposes to extend the prohibitory period for possessing firearms when a person communicates to a licensed psychotherapist a serious threat of physical violence against a reasonably identifiable victim. This bill contains the same language as AB 1296 that failed deadline on 5/24/13 and became a two-year bill.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
AB 1213 – Bobcat Protection Act of 2013. Proposes to establish a no-trapping zone around Joshua Tree National Park, as well as other areas to be specified by the Fish and Game Commission.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
AB 1230 – Mammals: use of dogs to pursue bears and bobcats. Proposes to allow the use of dogs to pursue bears and bobcats.
Current Status: 5/3/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). (Last location was Water Parks & Wildlife on 3/13/2013)
AB 1264 – Comprehensive school safety plans: tactical response plans. Proposes to establish tactical response plans in response to acts of violence in schools.
Current Status: 5/3/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). (Last location was Education on 4/1/2013)
AB 1296 – Firearms: mentally disordered persons. Proposes that a person who has been adjudicated as having a mental disorder may not possess a firearm for 10 years from date of release from a mental health facility; this is an increase from the current 5 year prohibition.
Current Status: 5/24/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). (Last location was Appropriations on 5/24/2013)
AJR 5 – Firearms: assault weapons. Assembly Joint Resolution in support of Senator Feinstein’s proposed federal legislation to ban semi-auto firearms and high capacity magazines.
Current Status: 9/12/2013-Re-referred to Committee on Rules.
SB 38 – Firearms: prohibited persons. Proposes to give persons prohibited from possessing firearms a 30-day amnesty period to surrender firearms to local law enforcement without being subject to arrest; civil penalties would be imposed for failure to comply.
Current Status: 8/30/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(11). (Last location was Appropriations Suspense File on 8/14/2013)
SB 47 – Firearms: assault weapons. Proposes a ban on centerfire semi-auto firearms equipped with bullet buttons.
Current Status: 8/30/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(11). (Last location was Appropriations Suspense File on 8/21/2013)
SB 49 – School safety plans. Proposes to publish, on the internet, the name of each school found not to be in compliance with maintaining an updated school safety plan.
Current Status: 8/30/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(11). (Last location was Appropriations Suspense File on 8/14/2013)
SB 53 – Ammunition: purchase permits. Proposes to require purchasers to obtain an annual permit, issued by the Department of Justice, to purchase ammunition and limit purchases to face-to-face transactions through a licensed ammunition vendor. This bill would ban mail order and internet sales of ammunition.
Current Status: 9/13/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(14). (Last location was Public Safety on 9/10/2013)
SB 108 – Firearms. Amended on 8/14/13 into a Study Bill. Requires Dept. of Justice to conduct a study on local ordinances pertaining to safe storage of firearms. Report to be sent to the legislature by 1/1/16.
Current Status: 8/30/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(11). (Last location was Rules on 8/22/2013)
SB 127 – Firearms: mentally disordered persons. Proposes to require licensed psychotherapists to electronically notify local law enforcement, within 24 hours, of the identity of a patient who makes a threat of violence against another person; local law enforcement would be required to notify the Department of Justice within 24 hours upon receipt of notification from a licensed psychotherapist.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
SB 140 – Firearms: prohibited persons. Proposes to allow the Department of Justice to use background check fees for purposes other than background checks.
Current Status: 5/1/2013-Chaptered by Secretary of State – Chapter 2, Statutes of 2013.
SB 175 – State game refuges: possession of weapons. Proposes to allow persons licensed to carry a concealed handgun to carry in a game refuge for self-protection.
Current Status: 5/10/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). (Last location was Natural Resources & Wildlife on 2/14/2013)
SB 210 – Criminal procedure: release on defendant’s own recognizance. Proposes to allow the court to impose any reasonable conditions it deems appropriate in felony cases to ensure public safety when considering releasing a defendant on his own recognizance.
Current Status: 5/10/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). (Last location was Public Safety on 2/21/2013)
SB 293 – Firearms: owner-authorized handguns. Proposes to require any new handguns sold in California to be equipped with owner recognition technology.
Current Status: 8/30/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(11). (Last location was Appr. Suspense File on 8/14/2013)
SB 299 – Firearms: lost or stolen: reports. Proposes to require reporting a lost or stolen firearm to local law enforcement within 7 days from when the owner knew or reasonably should have known the firearm was lost or stolen.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Vetoed by the Governor .
SB 363 – Firearms: criminal storage: unsafe handguns: fees. Proposes safe storage requirement if a prohibited person resides in the residence with a lawful firearm owner. Proposes to allow firearms manufactures to pay annual fees, on January 1 of each year, (rather than throughout the year)to maintain firearms on the DOJ list of approved handguns.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
SB 374 – Firearms: assault weapons. Proposes to ban the sale of centerfire semi-auto rifles with any detachable magazine and rifles with fixed or tubular magazines over 10 rounds. The bill also proposes to require current owners of centerfire semi-automatic rifles with any detachable magazine and rifles with fixed or tubular magazines over 10 rounds to register such rifles as “so-called assault weapons.”
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Vetoed by the Governor.
SB 392 – Fish and Game Code: game birds and waterfowl. Proposes to require the Fish and Game Commission to recommend legislation or adopt regulations to clarify when a possession limit is not violated by processing into food lawfully taken game birds or mammals.
Current Status: 9/24/2013-Chaptered by Secretary of State – Chapter 346, Statutes of 2013.
× SB 396 – Firearms: magazine capacity. Proposes to ban all magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, regardless of the date acquired.
Current Status: 9/13/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(14). (Last location was Inactive File on 9/12/2013)
SB 475 – Agricultural District 1-A: firearm sales at the Cow Palace. Proposes to allow the County of San Mateo and County and the City of San Francisco to ban gun shows at the San Francisco Cow Palace facility.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Vetoed by the Governor.
SB 567 – Firearms: shotguns. Proposes to revise the definition of a shotgun to delete the requirement that it be intended to be fired from the shoulder, and would clarify that the projectile may be fired through either a rifled bore or a smooth bore.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Vetoed by the Governor.
SB 644 – Firearms: felons in possession: serious felonies. Proposes to increase penalties for persons committing crimes while in possession of a firearm.
Current Status: 5/24/2013-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). (Last location was Appropriations Suspense File on 5/23/2013)
SB 683 – Firearms: firearm safety certificate. Proposes to require any person receiving a firearm to possess a valid firearms safety certificate, excluding licensed hunters purchasing rifles and shotguns.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Signed by the Governor.
SB 755 – Firearms: prohibited persons. Proposes to expand the list of misdemeanor convictions prohibiting firearms possession.
Current Status: 10/11/2013-Vetoed by the Governor.
SJR 1 – Firearms control. Senate Joint Resolution in support of Senator Feinstein’s proposed federal legislation to ban semi-auto firearms and high capacity magazines and require universal background checks.
Current Status: 8/20/2013-Chaptered by Secretary of State – Res. Chapter 83, Statutes of 2013.
Last Updated: October 16, 2013
Thanks again to all members who took the time to write and/or call legislators. We are working with the NRA and our Attorneys to formulate the most positive response to Governor Jerry Brown’s action on these anti-gun and anti-hunting bills. The fight is not over!!!
Click the bill number for more information.
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