
Victory! Pro-Hunting Bill Passes Assembly

May 5, 2018

We have taken a major step towards making hunting accessible and affordable to all California’s youth. AB 2151 passed the Assembly and is now headed to the Senate.

Under current law, big game tags cost children hundreds of dollars, making hunting opportunities unaffordable for many families. AB 2151 seeks to create affordable apprentice tags to ensure that every child has the opportunity to engage in this treasured American pastime.

This bill comes at a critical time for hunting in our state. With youth hunting rates falling more than 50% in the last twenty years, California desperately needs to revitalize its young hunter population.

Without a new generation of hunters and the vital funds they generate for conservation and wildlife management efforts, our state will be faced with a potential environmental catastrophe. Without hunters to help manage big game populations, many of our states cherished species will suffer overpopulation and starvation.

CRPA would like to thank Assemblyman Gray for authoring this phenomenal piece of legislation and extend our gratitude to the members who voted to support young hunters.

Though we won today, we need your help to get this bill to the governor’s desk. Call your State Senator today and urge them to vote YES on AB 2151; urge them to vote for the children and the future of wildlife conservation.

We have taken a major step towards making hunting accessible and affordable to all California’s youth. AB 2151 passed the Assembly and is now headed to the Senate.

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