
Time to Reactivate

January 4, 2019

After a month without a meeting, the Ventura County Fair Board will consider the future of gun shows at the Ventura County Fairgrounds on January 22 at 9:00 a.m.

Discussion will continue this January at the Ventura County Fairgrounds. In November, over 100 Second Amendment Supporters filled the Ventura County Fair Board Meeting to ask that the Board continue to contract Gun Shows at the Fairgrounds by not cowering to the unreasonable demands of the activists that want to ban them. A positive conclusion was come to as the Board decided to contract the first two shows of 2019. More discussion regarding the future of gun shows and the policies that surround them is expected on the January Meeting Agenda.

We need your attendance and support at the meeting to let Board members know that there is broad-based community and regional support for the gun shows, which draw thousands of law-abiding gun owners each year to the Fairgrounds.

 We need your voices to tell them that what they are considering is unconstitutional. Government facilities should be open to all without discrimination against one group just because a small minority doesn’t like the activity. Other fair boards attempting to shut down lawful gun shows have already been issued pre-litigation notices and will soon have litigation filed against them.

Anti-gun groups are mobilizing against Ventura in an effort to politically pressure the Fair Board into banning the gun shows. We need your help!

The Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, January 22nd at 9:00 A.M. in the Derby Club/Island View Room at the Ventura County Fairgrounds, 10 Harbor Blvd., Ventura, CA

 If you cannot attend, please take the time to write and email the Fair Board. They are receiving letters and signs of support from activists (many outside of Ventura) who want the shows completely banned. Please submit your support for the shows here as soon as possible so they will be entered into the record:

Barbra Quaid, CEO – bquaid@ventruacountyfair.org

Heidi Ortiz, Executive Secretary – hortiz@venturacountyfair.org

Leslie Cornejo, Chair of Ad Hoc Committee should be included on your correspondence regarding opposition to banning gun shows.

We encourage you to attend the meeting and to express your support for the shows. The future of gun shows in all of California depends on the support of you and other law-abiding gun owners from throughout the state.

Please review talking points.

After a month without a meeting, the Ventura County Fair Board will consider the future of gun shows at the Ventura County Fairgrounds on January 22 at 9:00 a.m.

Discussion will continue this January at the Ventura County Fairgrounds. In November, over 100 Second Amendment Supporters filled the Ventura County Fair Board Meeting to ask that the Board continue to contract Gun Shows at the Fairgrounds by not cowering to the unreasonable demands of the activists that want to ban them. A positive conclusion was come to as the Board decided to contract the first two shows of 2019. More discussion regarding the future of gun shows and the policies that surround them is expected on the January Meeting Agenda.

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