
The Battle Begins In Sacramento

December 5, 2016

At noon today the Senate and Assembly will convene to swear in new members and members who have won reelection. There will be nine senate members being sworn in and all 80-assembly members, with 22 new faces joining the ranks. There was quite the turnover this past election.

With these new faces have come new challenges. The ruling party in Sacramento has obtained a supermajority in both houses of our state legislature. This means that the fight to preserve your right to keep and bear arms just got a lot tougher.

With a supermajority party in both houses of the legislature, the rules can easily be suspended and debate can be forgone. Because of this, it is more important than ever that we work to build relationships with individuals from both parties who believe in the Second Amendment to keep shady backroom deals from happening that will result in you being stripped of your liberties.

While the new legislative session does not kick off until after the new year, now is the time to become vigilant. Make sure you know who your State Senator and State Assembly member is so that during the coming year, you can contact them and lobby them to keep your right to self-protection.

To find your legislators, click here. Due to the new members being sworn in today, this may not have the most current information but it will be updated soon.

As usual, CRPA, along with the NRA, will be on the frontlines fighting for every Californian’s right to protect themselves and their family. CRPA and NRA will be constantly alerting you on what is being debated, when votes take place, and much more.

At noon today the Senate and Assembly will convene to swear in new members and members who have won reelection. There will be nine senate members being sworn in and all 80-assembly members, with 22 new faces joining the ranks. There was quite the turnover this past election.

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