
Show Your Support for the Ventura Gun Show!

October 17, 2018

Defying Gun Control Activists, Oldest Statewide Pro-Second Amendment Group Protests Ventura County Fair Gun Show Ban

California Rifle & Pistol Association plans protest at the Ventura County Fair Board
 Meeting Tuesday, October 23rd supporting yet another one of the gun shows statewide
gun control extremists want banned

WHAT: Well-financed and coordinated groups like Giffords and Everytown For Gun Safety are attacking gun shows across the state, and especially the Crossroads of the West show held several times each year at the Ventura County Fairgrounds. Opponents argue that these immensely popular events should not be allowed on public property because gun shows “glorify the gun culture” – a cultural expression that they want to censor and suppress – among other reasons, many of which are complete myths (see https://crpa.org/5myths)

WHO: Dozens of California Rifle & Pistol Association activists, staff, who will be providing testimony to the Ventura County Fair Board as to why this – and other – gun shows should be allowed despite gun-control enthusiasts’ calls for closure. Last

WHERE: Ventura County Fairgrounds Board Room – 10 Harbor Blvd. Ventura, CA

WHEN: Tuesday, October 23rd, 9:00 AM (CRPA team will be there at least one hour before)

WHY: “Crossroads works closely with police and regulatory agencies to comply with all laws and to make their shows safe, fun, and family-friendly,” said Chuck Michel, attorney for Crossroads of the West Gun Shows. “These groups are using every myth in the book to push their anti-gun agenda on a legal, safe, and family-friendly event that has been held for decades because they simply don’t like guns,” he concluded.

Less than ten percent of the activity at a gun show involves firearms or ammunition. The shows are a modern bazaar, with a wide assortment of food, interesting merchandise, and services available. Only the Fairgrounds is large enough to accommodate the show – and there are no other suitable public or private venues in the area.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the top myths, busted, at www.crpa.org/5myths

Founded in 1875, the California Rifle & Pistol Association provides training in the safe, responsible, and enjoyable use of firearms; sanctions competitive shooting state championships; and fights for the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for those who choose to own a gun in California for sport, hunting, or self-defense. For more information, visit crpa.org.

Defying Gun Control Activists, Oldest Statewide Pro-Second Amendment Group Protests Ventura County Fair Gun Show Ban

California Rifle & Pistol Association plans protest at the Ventura County Fair Board
 Meeting Tuesday, October 23rd supporting yet another one of the gun shows statewide
gun control extremists want banned

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