
Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko Comes Out Against DOJ Proposed Regulations On Large-Capacity Magazines

December 29, 2016

On December 28th, Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko expressed his disapproval of the proposed emergency regulations by the California Department of Justice (DOJ) concerning large capacity magazines. He was especially disappointed that the window for protest was scheduled over the holiday season; leaving many citizens unable to voice their concerns.

Sheriff Bosenko commented, “The emergency comment period scheduled over the Christmas holiday does not afford most Californians and law enforcement agencies affected by these laws reasonable opportunity to review, evaluate, and comment.”

In addition, Sheriff Bosenko stated that given the effective date of July 1, 2017, there is no need for an emergency regulation process. The timing is suspect to the simple politics of avoiding commentary from stakeholders. Sheriff Bosenko concluded his statement by requesting that, “the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) reject DOJ’s Submission and insist that DOJ follow the standard regulation process.”

California voters witnessed a similar pattern of smoke and mirrors during the fight against Proposition 63 and the “Gunpocalypse” bills. As seen in those battles, California Sheriffs are standing with CRPA and NRA against unnecessary regulations on the right to keep and bear arms.

CRPA and NRA also filed a joint-opposition letter against the proposed large capacity magazine regulations on December 28. That letter can be read here.

On December 28th, Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko expressed his disapproval of the proposed emergency regulations by the California Department of Justice (DOJ) concerning large capacity magazines. He was especially disappointed that the window for protest was scheduled over the holiday season; leaving many citizens unable to voice their concerns.

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