Save The Costa Mesa Gun Show
Anti-Gun Activists Take Aim At Costa Mesa Gun Show
Anti-gun advocates are constantly trying to subvert and destroy our constitutional right to bear arms. Emboldened by the activism following Parkland, groups like Everytown for Gun Safety and #NeverAgain have made the Crossroads Costa Mesa gun show their newest target in their crusade against the 2nd Amendment.
Despite the fact that gun shows in California are subject to the strictest laws in the nation and serve as a source for safety classes and materials to thousands of law-abiding gun owners, these anti-gun groups claim that they make our communities more dangerous.
This false claim shows just how uninformed these anti-gun zealots are, and tips of any rational citizen to their true aims. Banning gun shows will only serve to eliminate a key source of safety training and information for Orange County’s law-abiding gun owners. For these anti-gun activists, this isn’t about safety, it’s a calculated step towards disarmament. By targeting gun shows, anti-2nd Amendment groups are clearly attempting to remove an avenue for Californian’s to purchase firearms. This yet again undermines safety by removing access to our constitutional right to bear arms.
The OC Fair Board of Directors will meet on June 28, 2018, to determine whether or not to allow future gun shows. We need you to come out and voice your support for the show; talking points are provided below. With your help, we can save the Costa Mesa gun show. Let’s take a stand and put a stop to this anti-gun madness.
The meeting will be held in the Administration Building, which is located at OCFEC through Gate 4 off of Arlington Drive, at88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
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Anti-Gun Activists Take Aim At Costa Mesa Gun Show
Anti-gun advocates are constantly trying to subvert and destroy our constitutional right to bear arms. Emboldened by the activism following Parkland, groups like Everytown for Gun Safety and #NeverAgain have made the Crossroads Costa Mesa gun show their newest target in their crusade against the 2nd Amendment.
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