
Orinda City Council Adds Mandatory Lock Storage To Meeting Agenda On Tuesday

October 2, 2018

The Orinda City Council has announced that they will consider a mandatory lock storage ordinance for the City. NRA and CRPA reached out to the City Council to advise them of the legal pitfalls in implementing this type of ordinance and that these types of lock storage ordinances do little to protect the community, are completely unenforceable by law enforcement, and only render law-abiding citizen helpless should a criminal come knocking on their door. Even with these facts, the city is being pressured by anti-gun groups to take action regardless of whether that action is effective or not.

The City Council has now added the proposed ordinance to
the agenda for Tuesday, October 2nd at 7:00PM.
Address for the meeting: Orinda City Library Auditorium,
26 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563

If you can attend, we need you there!

We need your help!

Gun control groups are working hard in this area of the state to institute more gun control and chip away at your rightsThis is a concerted effort that we are seeing across the state. The last minute notification of discussion items such as this is just another way to try to force an issue in the hopes that opposition to the Council’s actions will not show up at the meetings. To that end, it is critical that all gun owners and Second Amendment supporters make their voices heard during the meeting.

If you are unable to attend, you can submit written comments using the following information:

Amy R. Worth, Mayor- aworth@cityoforinda.org

Inga Miller, Vice Mayor- imiller@cityoforinda.org

Darlene K. Gee, Councilmember- dgee@cityoforinda.org

Dean Orr, Councilmember- dorr@cityoforinda.org

Eve Phillips, Councilmember – ephillips@cityoforinda.org

The Orinda City Council has announced that they will consider a mandatory lock storage ordinance for the City.

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