
Orange County Fairgrounds Board of Directors Meeting Could Determine Future of Gun Show

June 20, 2018

The war against gun owners is now in full swing in Orange County. On Thursday, June 28th, the Board of Directors for the 32ndDistrict Agricultural Association and the Orange County Fairgrounds will hold a meeting. On the agenda, the approval of upcoming contracts for the Fairgrounds. Gun Show contracts are among those listed for consideration.  At the last meeting in May, several Board members move the gun show contracts out of the “Consent Items” section of the agenda. This meant that they could discuss and vote on them separately from the other types of contracts up for approval. In May the Board refused to approve any further gun show contracts past the June show.

We anticipate the same types of actions by Board members who oppose the continuation of the gun shows in Orange County and we encourage those who support the gun show to attend the meeting and show a strong presence in support of the gun show. Board members have made it clear that they want nothing more than to bring an end to the gun shows in Costa Mesa.

There is an organized effort across the state to stop gun shows despite the fact that they educate, inform and provide a venue for supporters of the Second Amendment to come together and share a common interest. Gun shows also provide an opportunity for parents to share their love of hunting, sport shooting, and understanding of constitutional rights with those of the next generation- something that the gun ban lobby seeks to end permanently. Common interests shared at a public forum are exactly what those against the gun show are trying to eliminate as part of their war on the “gun culture.”

It is unclear whether the Board intends to discuss banning gun shows entirely or take steps to refuse adoption of pending contracts for future shows. The Board website gives notice that “At the discretion of the Board of Directors, all items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the Board of Directors.” So, given the ambiguity of their plans, it is important that all gun owners and supporters have a strong presence either at the meeting or by contacting the Board directly in support of keeping the gun show operational.

Talking points are included below.

Meeting Details

Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 9:00AM to 2:00PM

Administrative Building-O.C. Fair and Event Center

88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California

Direct Board Contacts

Barbara Bagneris, Chair- bbagneris@ocfairboard.com

Robert Ruiz, Vice Chair- rruiz@ocfairboard.com

Ashleigh Aitken, member- aaitken@ocfairboard.com

Nick Berardino, member- nberardino@ocfairboard.com

Sandra Cervantes, member- scervantes@ocfairboard.com

Douglas La Belle, member- dlabelle@ocfairboard.com

Gerardo Mouet, member- gmouet@ocfairboard.com

Newton Pham, member- npham@ocfairboard.com

Stan Tkaczyk, member-stkaczyk@ocfairboard.com

Please help us fight for your right to choose to own a gun for sport, or to defend yourself and your family. CRPAand NRAwork together in California to fight for you in Sacramento, in cities and counties across the state, in regulatory agencies, and in the courts. Even with the generous rates that our team of civil rights attorneys, legislative advocates, experts and consultants grant us, these ongoing efforts are still expensive. You can support our pro-Second Amendment efforts in California by donating to The California Rifle & Pistol Association Foundation(CRPAF). CRPAF is a 501(c)(3), so contributionsto CRPAF are tax-deductible. Or donate to NRA Legal Action Project. All donations will be spent to specifically benefit California gun owners.

Second Amendment supporters should be careful about supporting litigation or other efforts promised by other individuals and groups that lack the experience, resources, skill, or legal talent to be successful. The NRA and CRPA national team of highly regarded civil rights attorneys, legislative advocates, and scholars has the experience, resources, skill and expertise needed to maximize the potential for victory in California’s often hostile political environments.

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The war against gun owners is now in full swing in Orange County. On Thursday, June 28th, the Board of Directors for the 32ndDistrict Agricultural Association and the Orange County Fairgrounds will hold a meeting. On the agenda, the approval of upcoming contracts for the Fairgrounds. Gun Show contracts are among those listed for consideration.  At the last meeting in May, several Board members move the gun show contracts out of the “Consent Items” section of the agenda. This meant that they could discuss and vote on them separately from the other types of contracts up for approval. In May the Board refused to approve any further gun show contracts past the June show.

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