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June & November-Carpe Electionum
No Gun Vote Left Behind
If you or your family & friends have not voted, please do! The stakes are too high to stay home!
The June primary election is coming fast and the November election is right behind it. Thanks to new voter registration technologies and permanent vote by mail balloting, the power to win these elections is in your hands. To preserve our rights, the vote of every gun owner is absolutely critical to prevent more anti-gun politicians from being elected and more gun bans being passed in California. If every gun owner and believer in the right to keep and bear arms registered to vote and always voted by mail, we could turn back the onslaught of gun bans coming from state and local politicians in California!
Many Californians who believe in the right to keep and bear arms mistakenly believe that their vote doesn’t make a difference. This is not the case and it is now easier than ever to vote. Just mail back the official ballot that is sent to you well before Election Day! Register to vote online at You can become a permanent vote by mail voter at
If even half of the estimated 18 million firearm owners in California registered to vote and actually voted, gun owners would gain a majority in the state legislature and control many state-level offices! If all gun owners voted, we could stop ill-conceived laws such as Newsom’s initiative, before they can get off the ground.
Five Degrees To Domination
Gun owners only have to get through five degrees of a voter registration drive to dominate California politics. If ten new voters register, and they each get ten more, after five cycles, there would be 1 million new pro-gun voters!
Send this alert to all of your friends. The NRA’s state association, the California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA), can help secure paper voter registration forms available free of charge for you to distribute. Contact CRPA at for these. It only takes 5 minutes to register. Your vote will make all the difference!
Every range, instructor, and gun retailer should have voter registration forms available for customers. If your local range or store doesn’t, give them some. And ask them to put that website address link and a graphic on their websites; to push it out with their emails.
June & November-Carpe Electionum
No Gun Vote Left Behind
If you or your family & friends have not voted, please do! The stakes are too high to stay home!
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