Help Make Hunting Affordable For The Next Generation
California’s hunters are an essential part of our state’s wildlife management program and generate vital funds for conservation efforts. However, hunting and conservation in California is threatened by a shrinking population of hunters. It is imperative that we train the next generation of hunter conservationists, but all too often, the cost of tags prevents our youth from carrying the torch of this cherished tradition.
Without a solution, the next generation of hunter conservationists will be crippled; this is why we must pass AB 2151. AB 2151 will adjust the cost of youth big game tags to an affordable $20. This will give all of California’s youth the opportunity to hunt affordably.
By creating the opportunity for our children and grandchildren to hunt affordably, AB 2151 will ensure a robust generation of hunter conservationists for many years to come. CRPA would like to thank Assemblyman Adam Gray for sponsoring this legislation and commends him for his support of hunting and conservation in our state.
Help ensure that the next generation of California hunters is strong and well prepared to conserve our state’s wildlife; contact the members of the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife today and tell them to vote yes on AB 2151.
Click here to find the committee members.
California’s hunters are an essential part of our state’s wildlife management program and generate vital funds for conservation efforts. However, hunting and conservation in California is threatened by a shrinking population of hunters. It is imperative that we train the next generation of hunter conservationists, but all too often, the cost of tags prevents our youth from carrying the torch of this cherished tradition.
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