
Four Bills Turned Into Anti-Gun Legislation

May 6, 2016

Yesterday, Democrats in Sacramento took another step in limiting your Second Amendment rights by gutting and amending four bills and turning them into anti-gun legislation.

Below is the list of amended bills:

AB156 (McCarty & De Leon) – AB 156’s original intent was to combat global warming but has been altered to serve as a restriction on ammunition.

AB 857 (Cooper & De Leon) – AB 857’s original intent was to reduce greenhouse gases but has been altered to serve as a restriction on curios, relics, and home-built firearms.

AB 1135 (Levine & Ting) – AB 1135’s original intent was to form the Kings River East Groundwater Sustainability Agency but has been amended to serve as a reclassification of certain semi-automatic weapons to assault weapons.

AB 1511 (Santiago) – AB 1511’s original intent was to encourage the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to establish a comprehensive plan to save energy throughout California. The new version of this bill would be to limit the loan of a firearm between two law-abiding citizens, for example, a hunting trip or home protection.

These actions are another example of the constant battle that we face in defending the right to own a gun for sport or protection on a daily basis. Don’t wait until the bills pass to voice your disagreement. If we are to defeat this legislation that threatens our rights as Americans and most importantly, Californians, we will need your help. Please contact your Senator and Assemblymember to encourage them to vote no on these horrendous pieces of legislation.

To find your local representatives, click here. Also, make sure that you are registered to vote so that you can support candidates who believe in your right to keep and bear arms. To register to vote, click here.

Yesterday, Democrats in Sacramento took another step in limiting your Second Amendment rights by gutting and amending four bills and turning them into anti-gun legislation.

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