
Firearms Law & Practice Seminar

June 22, 2015

Angeles Shooting Range, Saturday, July 18, 2015

The law firm of Michel & Associates, P.C., is again partnering with Shooters-Edge, Inc., to put on a continuing legal education (CLE) event for lawyers. The class will be held at the Angeles Shooting Range for California attorneys on Saturday, July 18, 2015. This event will provide 7.5 hours of CLE credit.

The event will combine practical firearm skills and marksmanship training (an experience every attorney should have) with an overview of firearms technology, as well as training on current California and federal firearm laws (including changes in the 2015 Penal Code for firearms and pending bills relating to firearms currently before the legislature). In the morning (weather permitting), students will be trained and will shoot pistols and an “assault weapon” on the shooting range. In the afternoon, students will be taught firearms law and technology, including a discussion of actual firearm case precautions and practice tips.

The class will be taught by Bruce Krell of Shooters-Edge, and Joseph Silvoso, an attorney with Michel & Associates, P.C.. Both have extensive experience and knowledge in firearms use and firearms law.

Dr. Krell is a court certified expert on firearms and ballistics. He is also a federal firearms licensee (FFL) and gunsmith. Dr. Krell spent four years with the United States Air Force and attained the rank of Captain. Dr. Krell was a part time civilian instructor at the Marine Sniper School at Camp Pendleton, California. He currently teaches classes in Tactical Handgun, Carbine, and Shotgun training.

Attorney Joseph Silvoso practices in firearms law and criminal defense for the law firm of Michel & Associates, P.C., in Long Beach. Michel & Associates is west coast counsel for the National Rifle Association. Mr. Silvoso has represented and advised a number of major firearm manufacturers, distributors, and California firearm dealers. He has also represented clients charged with firearms related crimes including, but not limited to, possession of “assault weapons,” carrying firearms concealed/loaded, brandishing, possession of illegal weapons, and prohibited persons in possession of firearms. He has counseled over a thousand individuals concerning state and federal firearms laws, and has represented firearms dealers in proceedings with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and the California Department of Justice.

Due to the shooting range component class size is limited. This class will sell out!!!

Please register as-soon-as-possible to reserve a spot. For more information and to sign up, please visit: http://www.shooters-edge.com/AttorneyTraining.htm.

Non-attorney members of the general public wishing to take a class on California firearms law may sign up for the November 7, 2015 Gun Law for Gun Owners class at: http://www.shooters-edge.com/ available closer to the date.

Angeles Shooting Range, Saturday, July 18, 2015

The law firm of Michel & Associates, P.C., is again partnering with Shooters-Edge, Inc., to put on a continuing legal education (CLE) event for lawyers. The class will be held at the Angeles Shooting Range for California attorneys on Saturday, July 18, 2015. This event will provide 7.5 hours of CLE credit.

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