Election Guide

Today, California election officials will be sending out vote-by-mail ballots. Vote-by-mail ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by your county elections office no later than 3 days after Election Day. If you are a registered voter and would like to vote by mail this election and in the future, request your ballot here.
Ensuring the protection of our Second Amendment rights is a top priority, to do so we must participate in the election process or these rights will not last beyond our generation. If you do not have time to make it to the polls this June; don’t worry. You can still support the Second Amendment via a vote-by-mail ballot. Time is limited though, as you must request your ballot before May 31st.
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Today, California election officials will be sending out vote-by-mail ballots. Vote-by-mail ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by your county elections office no later than 3 days after Election Day. If you are a registered voter and would like to vote by mail this election and in the future, request your ballot here.
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