Cupertino Public Safety Commission Holding Second Discussion on Anti-Gun Ordinance
On Thursday, February 9, the Cupertino Public Safety Commission will be holding a public meeting to discuss a proposed anti-gun ordinance. In its current form, the proposed ordinance seeks to require gun owners to: (1) require gun owners to report the loss or theft of a firearm within 48-hours; (2) mandate the locked storage of all firearms within the home; (3) ban the possession of so-called “large-capacity” magazines; and, (4) require all ammunition sales within the City to be recorded.
As we previously reported, the Commission first discussed the ordinance during its January 12 meeting. When news of this meeting first broke, NRA and CRPA’s Local Ordinance Project quickly got to work to alert members to attend and voice their opposition. During the meeting, nearly 40 pro-gun speakers attended, and not a single person spoke in support. So large was the pro-gun turnout, in fact, that the Commission was forced to move their meeting to a larger room, which still wasn’t enough for the standing room only crowd.
CRPA and NRA also submitted a letter of opposition, warning the City of the serious preemption issues facing the ordinance. The letter points out how despite City staff suggesting otherwise, the proposed ordinance would have a significant financial impact on the City. What’s more, because the ordinance is otherwise preempted, its adoption merely invites costly and time consuming litigation while otherwise failing to address any of the City’s concerns.
We commend all of those who made the effort to stand and fight for their rights before the Commission during its January 12 meeting. A special thank you to the NRA Members’ Council of California, Kerleys Hunting & Outfitting, Sunnyvale Rod & Gun Club, Paul Ellis, and Dave Truslow for helping organize opposition to this ill-guided proposal. If you were part of this effort, please reach out to us at so we can further coordinate our efforts.
Now, we once again call on our members and Second Amendment supporters to show their strong opposition to this ill-guided proposal by attending Thursday’s meeting, which is scheduled to begin at 6:00 PM at 10185 N. Stelling Rd. in the Quinlan Community Center Cupertino Room. Should you be unable to attend, we encourage you to submit comments using the following information:
Hymanand Nellore
Gerald Tallinger, Vice Chair
Andy Huang, Chair
Neha Sahai
Robert McCoy
Cupertino Public Safety Commission
Captain Rich Urena
Public Safety Commission Staff Liaison
Phone: (408) 868-6600
Cupertino City Hall
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014-3202
Fax: (408) 777-3366
On Thursday, February 9, the Cupertino Public Safety Commission will be holding a public meeting to discuss a proposed anti-gun ordinance. In its current form, the proposed ordinance seeks to require gun owners to: (1) require gun owners to report the loss or theft of a firearm within 48-hours; (2) mandate the locked storage of all firearms within the home; (3) ban the possession of so-called “large-capacity” magazines; and, (4) require all ammunition sales within the City to be recorded.
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